Critical Incident Throw-Over (CIT)


When a threat incident escalates, instantaneously upgrade your vital organ protection with the Critical Incident Throw-Over (CIT).

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When a threat incident escalates, instantaneously upgrade your vital organ protection with the Critical Incident Throw-Over (CIT).

When a threat incident escalates, instantaneously upgrade your vital organ protection with the Critical Incident Throw-Over (CIT).

When a threat incident escalates, instantaneously upgrade your vital organ protection with the Critical Incident Throw-Over (CIT). Where simplicity & high-speed converge, this modest throw-over plate-carrier easily accommodates a variety of hard armor ballistic inserts (HABI), with different thicknesses, and soft armor plate backers (SAPB). This throw-over PC can securely fit ultra-thin steel plates and/or NIJ level III or IV, and even the US Gov standard-issue Shooter & Swimmer cut plates.

CIT features SALUTE™ laminate by MIL-PRO®,

  “A game-changer"!

Click here for a downloadable spec sheet.

Mission Specific Tactical Carrier (MSTC)
Tactical Plate Rack (TPR)
Multi-Threat Armor Platform (MTAP)
Special Operations Tactical Vest (SOTV)
Spear/BALCS/Air Warrior (SBAW)